Nails by Katy is Closing

After six great years, Nails by Katy will be closing it's doors at the end of the year. As most of my regular clients have known, I have been suffering from several medical conditions which have made working in the salon difficult. This year has hit the salon pretty hard, just as I know it has been bad for other businesses. With the decline in my health and covid-19 restrictions, staying open is just not an option. I truly appreciate all the support everyone has given. It is time for me to pursue other options. The website will change to a question and advice website based on health and wellness with a store attached where items talked about and suggested can be purchased. I will also see about making videos on how to take care of your own nail, skin, and health. Thank you all who visited my salon and all the wonderful friends I have made over the years. I wish you all the best. Happy Holidays and Hopefully a Great New Year for 2021